Georgia students have an advantage as they move into today’s workforce. GeorgiaBEST provides students training in core work ethic traits which are sought by employers in the global economy: teamwork, discipline, commitment and much more.
Georgia Labor Commissioner, Mark Butler, initiated the GeorgiaBEST program in January of 2012 to teach students soft skills and work habits so they may compete, acquire, and keep today’s jobs. With business and industry input, the Georgia Department of Labor put together 10 standards as part of the GeorgiaBEST Program. Discipline and character, attendance and punctuality, work habits, teamwork, time management, attitude, communication skills, responsibility and organization were among them.
Participating students earn 1, 2 or 3 points per standard, depending on how well and consistently they exhibit the skill. Hall County award recipients must meet a standard of points that requires at least one point in every category, plus meet a specific GPA benchmark. Those who earn 25 out of 30 possible points receive a GeorgiaBEST certificate from the Georgia Department of Labor, a designation that will enhance their college and job applications. It is the wish of Hall County instructors for the GeorgiaBEST lessons and activities to enhance each student’s internship experience and to prepare them for successful post-secondary education and careers.
GeorgiaBEST is a program developed and managed by the Georgia Department of Labor.
Visit their website for more information:
The key to Georgia’s economic future is a prepared workforce. Employee responsibility is often the missing link in the working arena. While most students are graduating from high school and preparing for the future with the appropriate academic credentials, many still lack the soft skills and work ethic to succeed in today’s workforce.