GeorgiaBEST Middle School is designed to introduce students to the soft skills needed to be successful in the classroom and in the workplace, and is aligned with standards addressed in the GeorgiaBEST high school program. However, it also stresses career exploration and goes hand-in-hand with the State Department of Education’s career pathways, which requires students to choose a pathway of study prior to entering high school.
This certification will serve as validation to teachers and future employers that these students have successfully displayed strong work habits that will foster success in higher education and in the workplace, and have an understanding of the different career pathways of study. This will also help prepare students for the transition to high school.
Check out the 230 Middle School students that earned their GeorgiaBEST certification last year! Read more>
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Benefits to the Students:
Be recognized as a Georgia BEST student in their class.
Become aware of work ethic components
Develop a sense of awareness of the importance of being prepared for the demands of the 21st century workforce and higher education.
Utilize the certificate to their advantage on résumés, college applications and at job interviews
Standards for Middle School:
Discipline and Character
Attendance and Punctuality
Productivity and Academic Performance
Communication Skills
Attitude and Respect
Time Management
Responsibility and Organization
Decision Making and Problem Solving
Ethics and Etiquette
Professional Image
Social Media Ethics​